Daniel Pitt


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“Daniel Pitt Is one of the finest mediums I know. He is like a mirror that reflects love, beauty and accurate information from our loved ones who have passed into the afterlife, producing convincing evidence that there is a life beyond this earthly one".

— Arthur Molinary

I had a reading with Daniel who was so lovely and professional. I was stunned by his accuracy on certain topics and he gave the best advice. His warm and reassuring energy really put me at ease, definitely recommend!
Met with Daniel for a 1-1 reading. Super welcoming and very professional. What he described in our session was incredibly accurate and his description of my family dynamic, that being complex and sad was delivered with sensitivity. I was in no doubt he was with family members who had passed. The messages he conveyed were specific and resonated with my current situation. He was superb. 10/10 💫🙏
Fantastic logistics, easy to book and join, and a recording can be made available which is helpful as it can be a lot to take in. You are in safe hands with Dan, very gifted and has a lovely style.
Daniel is an exceptionally gifted psychic medium. I have been blown away by the accuracy of what he has predicted and validated. Davids Soul is beautiful & pure which brings me a sense of safety & trust. The wisdom he channels & messages have bought me clarity, faith & helped me connect to the truth of my soul. Especially the past year it has been medicine during a very challenging time.

Daniel is truly a rare gem & I feel blessed the universe bought him on my path. Thank you for everything Daniel!
Cover for Daniel Pitt, Spiritual Medium
Daniel Pitt, Spiritual Medium

Daniel Pitt, Spiritual Medium

I am a Spiritual Medium based in Central London, offering my services to individuals and churches.

3 weeks ago

Daniel Pitt, Spiritual Medium
The mirror of my soul ❤️❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
Spiritual Practice on Valentines Day We have been programmed to celebrate Valentines Day as it is good for capitalism and has a lot of commercial value, one of the few days of the year where we are encouraged to express love to others. As I get older, I feel myself rebelling again any commercial and capitalised tradition, as I am seeing the harm and damage it does to the environment. I find it sad that we only allow one day to declare love in this public way and I question what and who does it really serve.The irony is that the world appears to be in a great love deficit, with those we have placed in power to run our countries across the globe are aggressively practicing politics without any expression of love to their nations. Only love for the power, wealth for the sake of more of the same.However I believe today can be a wonder day for activism and change and a great opportunity for spiritual practice and to challenge our inner agreements and beliefs enquiring does it serve you; does it make you better, happier, freer and more alive.In this world there are only really two pure emotions; That being the great force, which is Love, and the other equally powerful force of Fear. One starves the other in counter measures. Where this is love there is no fear and where there is fear there is no love.I read the news, I see how many choices are being made from fear. Fear of loss, lack, of losing control, of loss of power, fear of change and growth, diversity, individuality and creativity. Fear of allowing old traditions fading away, even though they no longer serve the elevation of humanity.I see this in politics, in law, in economics, our health care systems, within spiritualism and other religions, and within my queer community. For the longest time I have been adamant that spirituality and politics cannot and should not be in the same room. However, I realise now what I really meant was religion and politics should not hold the same space. History shows us that religion is a man-made concept, a lot of the more conventional and popular religions are really a reflection of our politics they are about the practice of fear, and ignorance to the soul, fear of lack, control, and free thinking. Now in my late 40s I realise that what the world needs now more than ever is the politics of Love, and spirituality is all about Love! The practice of unconditional love, in love we find God, when we practice love to ourselves, we find that we are God within, when were practice and express love to others we find God within them. Whether we practice it or not love, God, spirit, soul, collective consciousness is there regardless, it’s the one true fabric that connects the entire universe. We have chosen separatism as our way of live, which enable us to excuse the way we treat the planet, animals and each other, separatism enabled neglect!Fear is the Ego’s food, it is relentless in its need and demand to be fed, it will stop at nothing to have its way. Its nature is its nature, it wants what it wants, in the same way The Soul is relentless in its desire for love, in love all live is connected. The soul is who we truly are, each one of us, just pure love, with endless potential eternally seeking to be more then it is, to grow and to love. When we are absent from the will of the soul, we identify with our personality and ego, that is not who we truly are, it is just one of the many vehicles of expression that we can live from. There is no point judging this or shaming it, having an ego is the same has having a nose, we have one, it’s part of our psychological anatomy, the way forward is to understand it, not shame or deny it.In a world where we have so many people making choices from the ego and fear, its it easy to see how the world is on a meltdown. The real spiritual practice now is to forgive, forgive, and forgive (love in action), to think and speak and welcome compassion to those who are disconnected from their soul. How horrible that must be? It is so easy to be angry, to express ill will to those who are neglecting the nations. The problem with that thinking is it becomes contagious, and nothing changes.The greatest miracle humanity can manifest is to forgive and look beyond the personality but seek out that which we have in common, that being we all have a soul and the soul is purely love (God manifest). So today be an activist for love!“Cleanse the mirrors of your hearts from the dross of the world and all that is therein, that they may reflect the resplendent light of God”. Baha’u’llah - The Summons of the Lord of HostsStart within, begin with the temple of your soul, love your body, allow love to fill your feeling and emotions, allow your thoughts to be from love, hope, compassion, kindness, friendliness and forgiveness, Become your own valentine, be competitive to yourself within the practice of generosity, chose to like yourself, and challenge yourself if you don’t!Then… Practice this outwardly to those in your orbit, home, community, work place and world. Forgive quickly those who move from free and ego. Be slow to judge, to shame, to hate, do diminish others and look beyond to the essence of the god within. Be abundant with your sharing of love, chose to no longer limit or diminish. The work is LOVE. The use of LUV is an intentional diminishment of LOVE, why have we done that?Now the real activism starts when we stop having one day of Valentine's Day but chose it every day 365 days of the year for ever and ever. ... See MoreSee Less
I highly recommend that you book a 1-1 tarot reading with my friend Clive, he is a very gifted and insightful psychic.Treat yourself !!February offer, book a 45 minute Zoom tarot reading for £35 and get 2025 into gear. ... See MoreSee Less